Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 2-3

The scientist in me is coming out. I want to look at this site I'm using and crunch numbers- haha! Here goes: I've been matched with 68 people so far and about half of them have viewed my profile. 9 of those 32 have sent me icebreaker questions. (Yes I realize 32 is not half of 68, hence the word "about.") And I have a strategy :)
At this point, I'm pretty much answering everybody's questions and trying not to judge them based on a goofy online profile. I was discussing with my dad that a person can be anyone or anything they want to be online and I wouldn't want someone making snap judgements about me based on about 10 things I've posted on the internet. So, this is all about being open-minded. Not to mention patient. Apparently these guys don't answer as quickly as some of us...
If we're being completely real, I'm still not taking this whole thing very seriously. It almost feels like a big game or joke, but an expensive one! Then I think about who is on the other end of this deal, and it's no game or joke to play with people's hearts and hopes. I'm still praying about how this all works and how it will go, so stay tuned!

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