what is passion? according to dictionary.com: any powerful or compelling emotion; a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything; an outburst of strong emotion or feeling.
i was discussing w/ a friend that i have this desire to see my fellow followers of Christ become very passionate about their relationship w/ Him. and now i'm thinking, "am i even that passionate about my relationship w/ Christ?" i know how much i love the Lord and how much He means to me and all that He's done for me, but am i making His name known? can people see how much i love Him?
these are really sobering questions, but i'm challenging myself to consider them along side my youth group as i prepare to challenge them to sell out for God.
so what is it to sell out? again, according to dictionary.com: to put all of one's goods or possessions up for sale. i'm not sure we can quite literally apply this to our topic of discussion, but maybe we can. i think to sell out for God is to let go of everything we think is "ours" and completely depend on and trust God. i think it's to give or do anything for the Lord. this of course looks different for different people, but it's the same concept.
so, my challenge to myself and my loved ones is to be fully committed to Christ, to do whatever He calls me to, but to enjoy it and delight in Him every step of the way.